Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The trials of life can be draining. demanding, at times, painful, mentally challenging, just to name a few.
We signed up in the beginning, we read the contract, and most of the fine print. Of course, who reads the one million page contract of life? So excited are we to get started that we dive in full force with little knowledge of what lies ahead.
Childhood was a breeze. At least now it seems that way as I look back, but at the time, it seemed to have its pitfalls, and disappointments. The good times weighed out the bad ones. Mom and Dad were always there to pick up the pieces, wipe the tears away, and make you chicken soup when you were sick.
Becoming a teenager was the the world is coming to an end if my hair doesn't turn out right. or if I did not get the right shoes, or have a date for the prom. Life seemed so dramatic back in the late 60's and 70's.
As adulthood approached and the thrill of being independent, free. make my own decisions seemed a dream come true. That was one of the chapters I missed in my Life Contract. Mom was still there to bail me out, make the chicken soup and dry the tears.
Once marriage was in the picture, ahhh everything was going to be great. I was realistic, I knew there would be ups and downs, disagreements, trials. I was ready to raise a family and not have my kids make any of the same mistakes I made. It was a nice thought. Yes, mistakes are made, but the joys of being a mother far surpass any hard ache that might occur through the years. So many memories, fun times, laughter, oh there was lots of laughter and craziness. I know my children remember the silly times. Probably there friends do also.
So these thoughts were in my head tonight as I was at our cafe working (well hardly working) it was slow tonight. I was having feelings of the "Why me syndrome" Why can't things be different in regards to certain areas of my life. It's all fine. My Life Contract still has a lot of pages to fulfill.
Maybe if I get it out and read it a little more carefully, I can receive some new insight. If there is one thing we can be sure of, is that we will have trials in our life. Let us grow from them and become better because of them.
My Mom is not around to make me soup or dry my tears, but somehow I know she is cheering me on in life. Thanks Mom and Dad for being such good parents.
For now
Apppledumpling /mama signing out.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow, Being a Grandma is one of the greatest joys. It can also be a mixed blend of aches, tears, laughter, and even yes, have to put your foot down and have your grandkids mad at you for awhile.
Venessa and Scott are in Peru/ My youngest, Anna and her husband have been staying there, and between Anna working, me going over, helping, picking up kids, changing diapers, doing laundry every day, me working my shifts, settling arguments, it has been a fun but exhausting two days so far that feels like longer.
I would do it all over again. We still have till Saturday, when the other sitter takes over till they get back.
One grandson was not where he was suppose to be yesterday, so he was grounded to the house. Mad for awhile, but that didn't last long.
Deck who is a year now, loves to let out with very loud screams, mmmm what to do. Any suggestions?
But all and all they are three adorable, rowdy, noisy, lovable boys. One always tells me, Grandma, I wuv you.
Happy days.
Need to video more of grandkids so I can embarrass them when they are older.
Precious times.
All my Grandchildren are wonderful, smart, and good looking.
Time to plan a Grand kids sleep over, after I recover from this week.

Monday, August 9, 2010

No regrets.

Was pondering this morning about people who hold grudges. Why? Is it because they were never taught to forgive and move on. Is it because they may not believe in a higher power? Are they angry people who have guilt? I don't know. What is your opinion?

I think I make a good effort to forgive people. Weather family or friend. We may not forget what one does to us that caused us unhappiness, but we can move on. Sometimes we can forgive another person and they are not even aware that you have. But in you heart, you know you did. Others won't even give you the chance to make amends and try and restore friendships or family relationships.

Personally, I will never give up hope on someone. I don't stress over it, or let it consume me. I just keep a little place in my heart for the (maybe someday) and keep the good memories I have.
As we go about our lives and are blessed to have family and friends that love us no matter what we have done or mistakes we have made. As life goes on, we progress, but we will always make mistakes. The secret is, are we learning from those mistakes?

Those who can't let the past rest, will someday be unable to rest in peace. Being angry with grudges will eventually catch up with that type of person, and the regrets will be overwhelming.

Don't ever be like that. Do what ever it takes to be a loving friend, sister, brother, Mom or Dad, Aunt or Uncle etc. Life happens. I sure want mine to be a life that has been lived. No regrets.

Let me know what you think.
Thank You

Friday, July 30, 2010

, July 30, 2010

Very tired. Opened up at 7AM. worked till 3:30 with a two hour break from 10 to 12, so I could meet one of my daughters at a furniture place to look and give my opinion of a sectional she was interested in. Later went to U.S. Airways to pick up our ice cream catering station, then off to a neighborhood in District 21 to knock on some doors for Venessa.

It is nice to still feel that even as my children get older that I can still offer my years of experience to help them. Because I did have my own Interior Design Business, I was able to learn the good the bad and the ugly about furniture.

We proceeded to enter the furniture store where she showed me the sectional. I pointed out that even though the piece looked really nice as you looked at it, that the workmanship was below average. You cold feel the staples through the leather at the sides and back of the piece. It had no padding over the wood frame. It only had a one year warranty.

We then went a few doors down to another furniture store where we found a one that was very well made, all padded over the construction, and a lifetime warranty. It happened to be on sale as the other one was too. The difference in price was only a little more, and well worth it.

You know what's coming, if you know me. My analogy. Just because something appears to look good on the outside, doesn't mean that it is equal on the inside. As we take a look at ourselves, are we the same person inside and out? When we meet someone new, don't always think you know what is on the inside. It works both ways. Especially when young people are dating. they think that if they are not immediately attracted to a person that they should not date them. How many times have you met someone that may be kind of a plain Jane, and as you get to know them over time, they become beautiful.

We should not put on a false exterior, or try to be like someone else. It is fine to admire and emulate others. But be yourself. Love yourself. If you take pride in the way you look, dress and act, then the inside of you will be good and honest. Your family and friends will love you for who you are.




Thursday, July 29, 2010

What simple activities brings a smile to a child's face. Today, a mother brought her boy in who started kindergarten a few days ago. He looked so proud to be coming in and holding his,what I think was a lunch box. He went over to the ice cream to look at the flavors. Of course, the obvious choice was blue and pink. That't right "Cotton Candy" His eyes lit up as I gave him his cone. Of course Mom got one too, Birthday cake and Chocolate Brownie nut together. We Moms love our chocolate.

They proceeded to sit down and eat their ice cream. The young face of the boy now having blue and pink smudges, and a blue tongue, but happy as can be. I could tell, it also brought joy to Mom, seeing her son enjoy his treat.

Can something so simple in our lives bring us joy? Do we have to go to all the blockbuster movies when they come out? Go out to eat at a Fancy Restaurant? Have lots of our "Big Boy Toys" to bring us pleasure? Buy a new car? Do we have to have new clothes just so we can keep up on all the latest fads? Don't get me wrong, I love to shop, love a new car when the time is right, like to splurge once in awhile on things. But that is not what makes me happy or brings me joy. The simple things that surprise me all the time. My grandson Asa, saying "Grandma, I love you" My grandkids in Portland, when I talk to them, that they miss me. My daughter Jessica, comforting me when I feel discouraged about a problem. My husband telling me that kissing me still brings him the same joy that it did when he married me. Having my grandson Eli, ask if he can sleep in my bed and tell him a story. Seeing my Son Josh and Tiff with all four kids in tow and how happy they are as a family. Well I could go on further about my kids. Maybe another time.

My trip on this Simple pleasures tour is just to make you think about your own joys, that we need to treasure the moments that come to us, sometimes unexpectably, and not to be so caught up in the wordly "wants" or we might miss the'' present'' that will not be given again .

Bring a smile to ones you love. Bring a smile to YOU.

Apple Dumpling Mama signing off

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am asking myself what I want to achieve with this Blog. I don't want it to be a what I did today kind of Blog. I can do that on Face book. I am hoping to have some continuity and forethought so that I will be able to inform, teach, make people laugh and feel good, also while incorporating tips from my experience as an entrepreneur who over the years ran a Interior Design Business, worked at my husbands General Construction office, owned a gift and home decor store, at the same time we were running the restaurant and catering business.

I hope maybe some day to write a book of experiences, lessons I learned, success and failures, not only in business but as a Mother and Wife.

My first tip of the blog, is LAUGH! I love to laugh and be silly. Last Christmas time, I had all the family over and some close friends. I asked them have you ever put a stocking on you head(Like pantyhose) Well, I proceeded to get some out and even one of my granddaughters, who was six at the time put one on her head. When she looked in the mirror, she laughed, everyone laughed. I have done this with my sister and we have made a video. Sometimes crazy things like that can produce the needed laughter that you need to lift your silly bone, and brings you back to feeling like a kid again.

I am reminded of the movie Cocoon and when they felt young again how they became silly, and did things that made them happy without worrying about what anyone thought. As we become older, we loose the ability to let loose because we are taught to be conservative, adult, professional. There is a time and place for everything. When you are with family and friends, Let loose, have fun, play twister, play Capture the Flag, Go ice blocking. Think of how much less stressful people would be.

Thanks for reading. Go make some fun!