Thursday, July 29, 2010

What simple activities brings a smile to a child's face. Today, a mother brought her boy in who started kindergarten a few days ago. He looked so proud to be coming in and holding his,what I think was a lunch box. He went over to the ice cream to look at the flavors. Of course, the obvious choice was blue and pink. That't right "Cotton Candy" His eyes lit up as I gave him his cone. Of course Mom got one too, Birthday cake and Chocolate Brownie nut together. We Moms love our chocolate.

They proceeded to sit down and eat their ice cream. The young face of the boy now having blue and pink smudges, and a blue tongue, but happy as can be. I could tell, it also brought joy to Mom, seeing her son enjoy his treat.

Can something so simple in our lives bring us joy? Do we have to go to all the blockbuster movies when they come out? Go out to eat at a Fancy Restaurant? Have lots of our "Big Boy Toys" to bring us pleasure? Buy a new car? Do we have to have new clothes just so we can keep up on all the latest fads? Don't get me wrong, I love to shop, love a new car when the time is right, like to splurge once in awhile on things. But that is not what makes me happy or brings me joy. The simple things that surprise me all the time. My grandson Asa, saying "Grandma, I love you" My grandkids in Portland, when I talk to them, that they miss me. My daughter Jessica, comforting me when I feel discouraged about a problem. My husband telling me that kissing me still brings him the same joy that it did when he married me. Having my grandson Eli, ask if he can sleep in my bed and tell him a story. Seeing my Son Josh and Tiff with all four kids in tow and how happy they are as a family. Well I could go on further about my kids. Maybe another time.

My trip on this Simple pleasures tour is just to make you think about your own joys, that we need to treasure the moments that come to us, sometimes unexpectably, and not to be so caught up in the wordly "wants" or we might miss the'' present'' that will not be given again .

Bring a smile to ones you love. Bring a smile to YOU.

Apple Dumpling Mama signing off

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