Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The trials of life can be draining. demanding, at times, painful, mentally challenging, just to name a few.
We signed up in the beginning, we read the contract, and most of the fine print. Of course, who reads the one million page contract of life? So excited are we to get started that we dive in full force with little knowledge of what lies ahead.
Childhood was a breeze. At least now it seems that way as I look back, but at the time, it seemed to have its pitfalls, and disappointments. The good times weighed out the bad ones. Mom and Dad were always there to pick up the pieces, wipe the tears away, and make you chicken soup when you were sick.
Becoming a teenager was the the world is coming to an end if my hair doesn't turn out right. or if I did not get the right shoes, or have a date for the prom. Life seemed so dramatic back in the late 60's and 70's.
As adulthood approached and the thrill of being independent, free. make my own decisions seemed a dream come true. That was one of the chapters I missed in my Life Contract. Mom was still there to bail me out, make the chicken soup and dry the tears.
Once marriage was in the picture, ahhh everything was going to be great. I was realistic, I knew there would be ups and downs, disagreements, trials. I was ready to raise a family and not have my kids make any of the same mistakes I made. It was a nice thought. Yes, mistakes are made, but the joys of being a mother far surpass any hard ache that might occur through the years. So many memories, fun times, laughter, oh there was lots of laughter and craziness. I know my children remember the silly times. Probably there friends do also.
So these thoughts were in my head tonight as I was at our cafe working (well hardly working) it was slow tonight. I was having feelings of the "Why me syndrome" Why can't things be different in regards to certain areas of my life. It's all fine. My Life Contract still has a lot of pages to fulfill.
Maybe if I get it out and read it a little more carefully, I can receive some new insight. If there is one thing we can be sure of, is that we will have trials in our life. Let us grow from them and become better because of them.
My Mom is not around to make me soup or dry my tears, but somehow I know she is cheering me on in life. Thanks Mom and Dad for being such good parents.
For now
Apppledumpling /mama signing out.

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